Parallels between client-agency relationships and parenting

March 24th 2017

As Mother’s Day approaches our thoughts turn towards our parents and all that they do for us. Here at Flock we see some interesting parallels between a nurturing parent, the lessons and love that comes with this relationship and the relationship between agencies and clients.

Reward and encouragement

The concept of reward and encouragement in parenting is an old one. A parent rewards good behaviour in their child and encourages positive learnings. This idea holds true in an agency and client relationship as much as it does in parent-child relationship, both client and agency need encouragement from one another day-to-day. When asked about client agency relationships Barnay Dawe, Global CMO from Just Eat has said ‘…give your agency as much access to your business as you can and treat them like an extension of the team…[i]

Full communication

Similarly, the importance of full and open communication can’t be overlooked. Any relationship thrives on clear and open communication, the same is true of client-agency relationships. Functional relationships have a basis in openness and trust, a lack of trust affects parenting success and marketing success.

A joint study on client agency trust from American Ad agency RPA and USA today, states that client and agencies can come together despite their differences. This study focuses on small steps which will improve overall communication, such as: focusing on interpersonal communication and working more effectively with clients to define the evolving role of creativity.

Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses

And with clear communication also comes the ability to identify key strengths and weaknesses, which in turn enables client and agency to support one another so both can play to their best advantage. A parents support of their child helps them to grow past their shortcomings and the child’s happiness in turn goes toward the happiness of the parent, clients and agencies would benefit from supporting one another in this fashion.

Agencies and clients working closely together and supporting one another against their weaknesses will allow both parties to not only grow together, but also to ensure the highest rate of success. So similarly to parents supporting their children towards their utmost successes and later enjoying these successes, agencies and clients must likewise parent one another.

Through an open line of communication and acknowledgement of what is possible, clients and agencies can work together to propel themselves into the future and towards greater success.
